Sustainability Policy

Sustainability is about meeting our customer’s requirements today without adversely impacting on the needs of tomorrow. AB Electrical strives to ensure our operations, our products and our services have a minimal impact on our environment.


Our objective to link sound business practices with sustainability such as reducing waste and optimising resources. This encompasses awareness of sustainability both within our company and our wider ecosystem of suppliers and customers.


  • Where appropriate, recommending solutions to our customers for improved energy efficiency, electrical vehicle charging, and renewable energy.
  • Minimising our disposal of waste to landfill. All materials removed from work sites will be disposed of in a safe manner. We endeavour to recycle materials where appropriate
  • Recycling for metal, plastics, paper, glass and cardboard.
  • Recycling florescent tubes/lamps/LED lights.
  • Recycling our print toner cartridges.
  • Minimising paper waste in the office by only printing when necessary.
  • LED lighting for energy efficiency in our office.
  • Regular servicing of our vehicle fleet.
  • Aligning with suppliers leading the industry with sustainable solutions.
  • Educate our team on sustainability and encourage input on new ideas and improvements.

Howard Lewis
Managing Director
January 2020

You can download a printable copy of our policy here: Sustainability Policy AB 22 Jan 2020

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