Following the Government's Announcement on Monday 20th September. Auckland is moving to Alert Level 3, from 11:59pm Tuesday 21st September.
Under Level III there are some protocols we have adopted adopting Govt requirements and best practices from industry bodies. Our COVID Alert Level III H&S policy is attached AB Electrical COVID-19 Policy for AB Electrical Staff and Customers Level III - Updated 20 Sept 2021
1. Before work begins:
- Can you please inform us if there are any persons in your home with Covid-19 symptoms as per the 3 questions in the attached Policy Document – we request you advise us of your answers to the questions prior to your appointment.
The 3 questions are:
1. Are there any persons at the property that have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19?
2. Are there any persons at the property that are unwell and could have Covid-19 symptoms (difficulty breathing, coughing, cold-like symptoms)?
3. Are there any persons at the property that are currently in self-isolation or have been in self-isolation in the last 21 days?
- Expect a call from our electricians before they arrive to confirm the above.
- Hand sanitiser and the appropriate PPE gear will be used at all times by the electrician, before and after your work
2. While work is being done:
- If practical please stay in a separate room away from the electricians
- Before work commences our electricians will wipe down all surfaces involved
- Where possible we will adopt the 2 metre distancing rule
3. After the work is done:
- Our electricians will sanitise all surfaces involved and leave a clean, safe environment
- Please contact AB Electrical if you or anyone in your home has symptoms or has been asked to self-isolate due to Covid -19 within the 14 days of the visit.